Mental Pause: Reclaim Your Best Self in Menopause

Regain control of your well-being

Regain control of your well-being, especially during menopause or andropause.
Key information

About this package

It’s time to take charge of your health and restore balance in your life. Hormonal changes can lead to a series of disturbing symptoms, but you don’t have to endure them. Opt for a natural and balanced approach that requires neither hormone therapies nor miracle remedies.

Do you recognize yourself in these symptoms: low energy, fatigue, mood swings, insomnia, decreased self-confidence, hot flashes, concentration difficulties, lack of motivation, weight gain, or loss of libido? This program is designed for you.

Languages spoken : FR, EN, IT
Number of sessions
as many as necessary
Duration of sessions
from 20 to 60 minutes
Total duration
from 2 weeks to 3 months
Package Price
500 for the anamnesis, analysis, and first session CHF

Our package goals

Épis de blé sur une plage face à l'océan
Regenerate your vital energy.
Rebalance your emotions.
Lose weight naturally.
Strengthen your self-confidence.
Your well-being